I had this silly notion that once the splint came off my wrist I would get right back into blogging. I didn't stop to think about how much a broken wrist affects the fingers. All the pain, stiffness, and swelling in my fingers during the past 8 weeks didn't seem to resister in my head how stiff, or how painful typing was going to be. How about how much trouble one has getting back into the swing of things after a broken bone. I had forgotten that too.
I was disappointed in myself when I whined about how difficult and slow typing one handed was and often gave up before I even started to blog. I told myself I would get back into the swing of it when the splint came off. Now, I think I type faster one handed then I can with one good hand and one stiff and sore hand.
It amazed me how uninspired I was while unable to cook and experiment because I couldn't handle opening cans or jars by myself. Have you ever tried stirring a pan of food only to have the pan spin instead of the food. I told myself I would be inspired again when the splint comes off, because I will be cooking again. My cooking is pretty rudimentary because the usefulness of my wrist is still very iffy.
I decided I was going to get up early this morning and write something for my blog, but I had no idea what to write about. I had really been wanting to write about my tortilla experiments, but I found two gluten-free cooking magazines and they seem so far ahead of me I was feeling defeated. My tortilla experiments are not done until I try their recipe.
Then I suddenly remembered a call I wanted to make yesterday. My mother had called to wish me Happy Mother's Day. She left a message on my answering machine while I was at church. Since, she stated that she was making the call before heading into work, I thought instead of ending up leaving a message for her I'll call later in the day, when I would catch her. Well, I forgot to make the call and had to make that call right then and there before I forgot it again. We talked for nearly 2 hour. We had catching up to do, after all.
So I didn't write a blog today because my right hand is still very sore and stiff and typing is just going to make it swell up. I, also, couldn't write because I simply was uninspired. And finally, I didn't write for my blog this morning because I was on the phone with my mother, who appears to be much more thoughtful than I am.
My kids are also more thoughtful than I am. They knew they were not going to be able to be with me on Sunday. They planned and celebrated Mother's day with me on Saturday.
You all have a great week.
P.S. Question, comment, and suggestions are welcome. They come in handy when I am feeling uninspired.
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