Monday, January 12, 2009

What most of my blogging will be about


My blog will focus on meeting the cooking and budget needs of those with health and allergy problems. I am partial to this subject because I have allergy and health problems that have a way of absorbing my thoughts, time and energy.

It started with my first born son. At three weeks old he developed a rash on his cheeks. When I look at his baby pictures it amazes me that he was such a happy baby. This rash itched a great deal and eventually spread to several places on his body. He looked like he had strawberry jelly all over his cheeks up until he was three years old, but it was the rash, cracked and bleeding and sometimes oozing. We went through a lot trying to find a cure, or a fix. When he was 5 months old my Hubby's grandmother suggested we go to a chiropractor. Within minutes of treatment the rash went from bright red to pink. The rash didn't completely go away. Twenty-nine years later this rash re-appears on his body somewhere, every spring.

While at that chiropractic visit the chiropractor suggested maybe my son is allergic to bleached wheat. I walked away stunned at the idea that wheat was bleached. At the time I had no idea what was being done to our food by the food industry, and by ourselves. It started my journey into health food and learning how to deal with allergies. I have since learned a great deal about cooking to meet the needs of setting a table for each individual at the table. All three of my kids and I have allergy problems.

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