Sunday, March 10, 2013

Random Acts run AMOK

Please read my other blog concerning Random Acts event AMOK and my day of prayer.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

It's Ms Vee Charles!

As a blogger, when I grow up, I want to be just like her. 

Inspirational is the best word I can use for Ms Vee. I can tell you about how she has all these smart craft ideas for your clothing accessories. I could go on and on about how bright, beautiful, and witty she is. I could speak of how her blogs are professional, informative, and did I mention witty. But, as much as I enjoy all that is beautiful about Ms Vee Charles, the one word that encompasses why I follow Ms Vee around the net that she is inspirational.

Want to follow a health and beauty blog worth your time check out Ms Vee's blogs.